Victory is yours in the game of life but you may not know it. I read a passage of scripture from 1 Corinthians that that says as believers in Christ, He has won it for us. But that doesn’t exempt us from the game.
In a sporting event, the victory goes to the team who outplayed their opponent and scored more points. Sometimes it comes down to the last seconds before a basket beats the buzzer. Or a field goal barely beats the clock, giving the team the win.
As a follower of Christ, he has won the game of life for us. But we can’t sit on the sidelines and wait it out. We must continue living life, encountering our opponents, and scoring victories along the way. With estrangement that is difficult.
What Qualifies Victory?
Scripture says that when we place our faith and trust in Jesus and the sacrifice, he makes for us, we’re forgiven and accepted into his family of believers. We are on his team. When the game of life is finished, then the sweet victory of life eternally with him and other believers is guaranteed.
When you’re estranged or rejected by someone you care about, mental energy is often focused on the negative. You must redirect your thoughts to your new team. You may not feel like victory is yours, but it is. And you’ll need to recite scriptures that prove it until it’s part of your mindset of who you are.
How Do We Play This Game of Life When We Have Estranged Relationships?
Just as in a sporting game, we have a team around us. Family, friends, and co-workers are part of our team. They will play the game with us. And our coach is the Lord. We look to him for the plays and maneuvers that push us to the winning victory!
As we live this game of life, we’ll have opposition from God’s greatest enemy – Satan. Because he doesn’t want us to live this victory, he’ll try to defeat us at every turn. He will offer plays that trick and deceive us. But we as believers have weapons that he doesn’t have.
Those weapons are prayer, meditating on scripture and his promises and praise. Our enemy hates the word of God. And so, when we use it in our plays of life, he will take off in a sprint in the other direction. And victory reigns.
Holidays are a challenging time with anyone experiencing estrangement and rejection. And it’s the best time to shift your focus to the victor.
Praise and thanksgiving are two additional strategies to defeat our enemy. Have you slipped away by yourself to a quiet place and just poured out thanks for all the blessings in your life? Or, opened scripture and praise God for who he says he is? Psalms is a beautiful place to do that.
Are You Ready to Battle and Gain Victory That is Yours?
God will use the strategies and maneuvers of his word, prayer, and thanksgiving to defeat your enemy. He also offers protective gear to protect your mind and heart. Ephesians 6:16 outlines the armor that he offers as protection.
Estrangement, rejection, and abandonment create feelings of isolation and inferiority, and you’ll need God’s protection and strategies more than ever.
In a sports game, sometimes a player is benched for an injury, rest, or deficient performance. Pitchers in a baseball game are replaced sometimes several times in one game. Players get tired and it affects performance. But God is still in the game and so are you.
Take time to recharge, rest and be ready for entry back onto the field. Be open to attitude and mindset changes that you may need to finish the game strongly. Especially with those with whom you are estranged.
Victory is yours! At the end of the game (end of life), your game ends here on earth. We don’t work for salvation. That’s given freely when we accept his sacrificial gift and invite him into our life. Works are a result of our faith in him and a desire to live life to honor him.
You may think that it is impossible when emotions get the best of you. Triggers usher in the negative feelings and you want to retreat. Keep going. The victory is won for you.
How you played the game will be yours alone as you come before the Lord on that final day of your life. Will you sit on the sidelines and let others do the work of life? Or will you suit up, put on the armor, and battle it out until you meet him face to face? It’s up to you!
Estrangement Interrupts the Battlefield
Whether it is a divorce or a conflict with someone, estrangement happens more than you might imagine. And it can be one of the strategies of the enemy to remove you from the field.
Oh, he’ll throw darts at your worth and value. He will demean you and inflict guilt and shame. His intent is to destroy your faith.
What do you do when there are seconds left in a game, and you have the ball heading for the basket? Do you retreat and declare the other team’s victory? Of course not, you become laser focused on winning the game as you set up for the winning shot as the buzzer goes off.
This holiday season, be encouraged. The victory is won. Get back in the game with renewed focus and energy.
For more information and tips on estrangement, listen to my podcast Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace. You can find it on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite carrier. Subscribe to