Helping women burdened by guilt, shame and estrangement to find hope, a healthy identity and peace from the emotional pain.

Becky Kolb
Estrangement and Relationship Coach
Becky Kolb, Estrangement and Relationship Coach

Helping women with estrangement conquer guilt and shame so they can experience peace, learn how to forgive and set boundaries for healthy relationships.

Becky Kolb
Estrangement and Relationship Coach
Becky Kolb, Estrangement and Relationship Coach

Estrangement creates a deep sense of loss.

Separation severs your ties to your roots, identity and shared history with someone with whom you are estranged.

You often feel isolated, ashamed, feeling as though something is wrong with you. Those emotions are accentuated by negative things others are saying about you from a divorce or something else. You grapple with feelings of rejection, guilt, shame, anger, and questioning your self-worth. You wonder if God loves your or cares about what you’re going through. You long for peace but it seems elusive. Do you give up or remain hopeful?

Estrangement from a family member is painful but as common as divorce. Yet few talk about it because of shame.

This isn’t a physical pain. No one is bleeding. But inside, where no one can see, is a heart that is broken. Filled with disappointment, grief, guilt and shame, you often feel isolated and alone with your feelings.

You don’t talk about it because you feel like your family and friends don’t want to hear it, and you don’t want to burden them with it. If they know the other person, they may not see or understand how you’ve been hurt.

I have good news for you. You can move forward even amid estrangement. Peace is attainable and I can help you. I understand because I’ve experienced it too.

Let's Explore This Together!

Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace
Take a first step to pursuing your peace, passion, & purpose by grabbing a copy of...

Turning Pain into Peace

“Estrangement means sometimes struggling in uncomfortable places and that can heighten the pain. I thought everyone else was sailing along while I was slowly sinking. Becky was able to relate to my pain and help me discover the truth that I was not alone. As a result, I was able to move forward in a healthy and purposeful way.”
Robin D