Chaos and confusion dominate the media today. Headline news, social media and people in general are feeling uneasy. For the women with estranged relationships, the intensity is heightened.
For the woman, like me, with an estranged relationship, you may experience a phenomenal day. Business is good, the family is well, and you have so much to be happy about. And then a trigger sends you in a tailspin of doubt and defeat.
Log into social media or catch up on some news and let’s just say it doesn’t do a thing to calm you and lift your spirits.
While I do experience some of those feelings from time to time, I’ve learned the art of managing my mindset to avoid much of the chaos and confusion.
How to Minimize Chaos and Confusion
One of the best strategies to manage your mindset in today’s chaotic world is to minimize exposure to media – social and otherwise.
I’ll admit that I love looking at social media at times. Seeing family and friends’ photos can be heartwarming. Videos can be funny, and some are informative. And then there’s the political posts, sad news and your good spirits can turn sour quickly.
Here are some strategies I employ to shift my mindset.
Focus on What You Love
Is it reading a good book? Taking a long walk? Enumerate those things that bring you joy and happiness and when you begin to feel chaos close in, pull it out and pick one. I love walks for fresh air and sunshine, but also I see neighbors and friends and that social interaction is refreshing and uplifting.
Have you considered starting a new hobby? As a kid, I played the piano and music is always calming to me. So, I bought a full-size keyboard, music books and started pecking away. It was something new and fun and a vice I could turn to when the world around me seemed heavy. Maybe it’s time to delve into that new hobby you’ve been contemplating
Start a Project
I get it. The very word project can conjure up negative feelings. I love a good project, but I need to be in the mood to see it through. Otherwise, it can drag on and become one of those chaotic times you’re trying to avoid.
- Picture those photo albums that you’ve been planning to organize.
- How long has it been since you organized your pantry and closets?
Give it a little thought and I’ll bet you can come up with a good list of projects to occupy your mind and time. And just imagine how good it will feel when you accomplish the project and can cross it off your list!
Start a New Exercise Routine
I’m not talking about a walk here and there, but a new routine. There’s nothing like consistent exercise to clear your mind and improve your health both physically and mentally.
Join a gym. Take an exercise class like Pilates or yoga. Mix it up so you don’t become bored. I’ve found many videos on YouTube that will guide you through exercise programs. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gym membership. All it takes is commitment.
Pick up the Phone and Call a Friend
We live in a society where everyone text messages. That’s great much of the time, but don’t you love hearing the voice of a close friend or family member?
I’ll admit I get in the habit of texting most of the time. My husband will say “Just pick up the phone and call them.” I always feel better when I connect with someone either on the phone or in person.
Who is it you call that will just make you feel like you’ve been hugged? Who can you call to meet for a cup of coffee or tea?
You see, you and I are not the only ones feeling chaos and confusion. It’s prevalent among women and we need each other.
So next time you’re feeling closed in, think about these strategies and you’ll find a calming effect.