I recently learned of the acronym ANTS which stands for automatic negative thoughts. Now, I’ve spoken before about your thoughts and how they affect you. The statement “think about the things you think about and the things you think about will change” is true.
Particularly meaningful to me with ANTS is the automatic portion. If you’re like me, you don’t wake up in the morning and decide you’re going to have negative thoughts all day. And yet you do.
You catch yourself going down a rabbit hole and wonder how you got there. Why, you ask, are you even thinking about this. How did this thought process begin? Well, it’s an automatic built-in component.
And learning to recognize it before it becomes full blown and ruins your day is critical to your well-being.
It may be helpful to know you aren’t alone. I fight these ANTS every day. The good news is you can diminish their effect and change the trajectory of your thoughts.
How You Know When ANT’s are Present
A scripture that often comes to mind for me is one that says, “bring every thought captive to Christ.” I like that because it reminds me to bring my thoughts before him to test them and see if they are true.
My lens through which I view the world, and my own life is through scripture. It wasn’t always that way. In fact, there was a time in my life when I wanted nothing to do with the Bible or God.
Living life on my own without him in my life proved fruitless. Are you struggling with your thoughts? Do they often turn negative? Do you sometimes become aware of what you are thinking and wonder how in the world you got there?
You aren’t alone. The ANT’s happen to everyone but I found it to be especially true in those with estranged relationships, including yours truly.
How do you know if the ANT’s are active in your life? Here are some tell-tell signs.
- I’m a failure.
- Everyone is against me.
- No one will believe me.
- That person doesn’t like me.
- If others only knew about my past.
If you feed yourself these lines, you’re feeding the ANT’s and they will eat you alive!
ANT’s Do Not Belong in Your Life
Many years ago, as a kid, I recall my cousin napping outside. An ant had crawled on and bit him while he was sleeping. He let out a yelp. Of course, I laughed, but it wasn’t funny really.
It stung and hurt like crazy he said. He thought he was in a safe place, but the ant crept in while he was unaware. That’s how our thoughts are.
Now with the biblical worldview I hold, I also believe in an enemy. One that scripture says comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Satan is the enemy in the life of a believer and his job is to steal our good thoughts, kill our hopes and dreams and destroy our relationships.
ANT’s are the enemy of your soul and they steal your joy, kill the truth that deep down you know you believe and destroy your relationship with God and with others.
The good news is you have the power and authority to destroy those ANT’s.
Feed Those Automatic Negative Thoughts to the Birds
The first step in getting rid of the pesky ANT’s is to become aware of them when they enter your mind. Now, it may take some time to recognize them because they are often automatic and take root before you realize it.
For a day, practice thinking about what you think about. Make it a priority to pay attention to the thoughts you are having. When ANT’s enter, address it right then. Ask yourself these questions.
- Where is this coming from?
- Did something just trigger this thought?
- Is it true?
- What is true about this thought?
- How can I reframe it with the truth?
This will take some practice, but it will be a worthwhile exercise to destroy those ANT’s once and for all.
For those in estranged relationships, shame is a constant companion. You may be a young adult, a senior or somewhere in between. You may be a professional with a successful business or career. ANT’s do not discriminate.
I’ve experienced tremendous loss in my role as a grandmother. I am triggered when I see families with grandkids traveling together or having holiday experiences. I’m happy for my family and friends who have those experiences, but I am reminded of my loss, and I feel sad.
I’ve learned to recognize those ANT’s and sometimes the shame that rides along. I have discovered that for me, turning to who God says I am a helpful antidote for ridding those automatic negative thoughts.
It looks like this to me.
- I am a fearfully and wonderfully made woman
- God says I am his daughter and an heir to his throne
- He says I am loved, forgiven and his mercy and grace has covered me
- He will never leave or forsake me.
- I am a loving person and given the opportunity, I would be a great grandma.
See how turning those things around looks.
Are You Ready to Get Rid of the ANT’s
You are a wonderful woman, loved and cherished. I would encourage you to google what God says about you and find those scriptures. Write them out and read them to yourself.
Make it part of your gratitude journal thanking him for his mercy, grace, forgiveness and the presence he offers.
Practice thinking about your thoughts and turn the negative ones around the moment you realize what’s happening.
I love to turn on some worship music during those times when I can, and it just puts me in great spirits.
Listen to my podcast at www.beckykolb.com/podcast for more on estranged relationships.